Working from home - status update 2020

What a year this month has been!!!

I am still adjusting to the official “stay at home” order in California after a solid 2 weeks of not really leaving the house for much of anything. I have decided to embrace the “down time” despite the financial stress of unknown variables in my professional life.

Right now, I have this website, a fully stocked art studio, and a very comfortable home office setup. I have lost about half of my regular income to Covid19 layoff, but luckily my other clients and businesses are still alive and doing well enough for now with our ability to work remotely.

I can keep myself busy with creative projects for weeks on end with little to no complaint, but I can’t help but be concerned about money. It’s natural for me to worry so I work daily to let go of the tension and surrender to these things that are beyond anyone’s control.

My favorite tools for relieving the anxiety are reggae music (especially Stick Figure), plant based foods and medicine, essential oils and kava root, hot tea, yoga, meditation and making art.

I’m more hopeful each day as I see some orders are still coming in to our small businesses, and I am forever grateful for that support. I try to avoid overloading myself with news or social media and have been reaching out to friends individually to keep in touch.

I pray that all my people are safe and healthy, sheltered in place wherever they are. I pray there may be some bigger picture to all this sacrifice we are making right now. Most of all I pray for patience, peace and faith to help us all through this alarming time.

Keep in touch anytime, I’m still here!!!

Studio shot of Janessa with her new painting (work in progress).Huntington Beach, March 2020

Studio shot of Janessa with her new painting (work in progress).

Huntington Beach, March 2020